Being an honor society, scholastic achievement is the primary basis in which members are invited to join Tau Beta Pi. The eligibility requirements are listed below:
- Juniors: top 1/8th of your class
- Seniors: top 1/5th of your class
- Graduate students: top 1/5th of your class and at least 50% of your coursework completed, including research
- Alumni: must have graduated in the top 1/5th of your class
- Practicing engineers: must have achieved eminence in engineering as determined by Headquarters
The second requirement to join is to be of exemplary character. We gauge this based on our interaction with you during the events during the initiation process.
Note: class standing is determined by the number of units you have, not by the number of years you have been at UC Davis. Junior standing is defined as 90-134 units, and Senior standing is defined as 135 units and up.
If you are a transfer student, please keep your grades up and look out for an invitation in the following year. Bylaws require that you have been a student at UC Davis for at least 3 quarters (1 year) before you can be considered.
Why you should join
- Prestige (We do look good on a resume!)
- Career fairs
- Resume workshops
- Scholarships (and fellowships for grad students)
- TBP Job board
- Network of esteemed members nationwide, including students and many alumni
- Discounts on travel, hotels, and even insurance
- And more! See for more information on TBP benefits!
Initiation Requirements
1. Earn 12 points from events:
4 points from tutoring (1 point per hour) or outreach (1 point per activity, +1 point per hour spent)
4 points from socials (1 point for showing up, +1 point for staying an hour)
4 additional points from either category
2. Attend mandatory events:
a. Steal the Bent (Date TBD)
b. Initiation (Date TBD)
3. Coffee (or tea) with a member.
4. Make a scale replica of the bent (Exact dimensions below)
5. Pay one time initiation fee of $140 (Can be turned in to an officer at any event nearing initiation)
If you are initiating, please check your emails for further details on these events. If you have any questions, please contact our Vice President, Alex Chaney, at
Bent Dimensions
We require that you scale the proportions of your bent based on the specifications listed in the image below. Small margins of error will be tolerated, but clearly disproportioned bents will be rejected. Note the size depicted is not the maximum, you are free to scale up the size of your bent as large as you wish.